Keeping the wolf at bay with MFK

Before the Internet, before Food Network, before Julia Child, before TV, there was a writer of food and her medium (Egads!), was the humble printed word. There was a writer whose words were so potent, her prose so swarthy, that, upon seeing her work, publishers decided a woman would never […]

Flipping for apple turnovers

As we head into fall and the light shifts to a beautiful golden slant, the air takes on a heady and romantic quality, and the leaves on the trees begin to rattle toward looseness, I think of turning over a new leaf. And as I think of that, naturally, I […]

Celebrating a birthday…and a blog

“If you’re going to try, go all the way./otherwise, don’t even start.” The words – from Charles Bukowski’s thrilling poem, “Roll the Dice” — cut sharp and deep and they loom, and if you have things you want to do, keep the words in mind to set a fire lapping […]

Weaving a lattice for a dried cherry pie

Lest you all begin to sniff that writing about a cherry pie in August (that was actually made in late July) is a tad off-season (and I can hear you sniffing, so don’t pretend you are not), let me tell you a little of how the Siouan peoples described a […]

Taking a foray into sorbet

Time was – and maybe for some still is, making homemade ice cream was a near daylong feat of strength. This ordeal involved a huge contraption with a hand crank; a 50-pound bag of something called rock salt, a clear to grayish gravel that had the diametrical abilities to both […]

Pie of the month: Squaring off chess pie

How does one keep a memory alive? By revisiting it again and again as if it were a favorite destination. If the memories are from trips, one can return to a place through souvenirs, photos, musings in a travel journal — and recipes. My recent trip in Nashville had me […]

Telling of two strawberry tarts

I’ve become quite fond of mini desserts. Diminishing the size of a sweet also reduces the guilt, and there is actually ample satisfaction in just one bite. Plus, a mini donut, cake or pie is just so darn cute. I believe this has something to do with the recent cupcake […]

Cracking the code on quiche

I know my way around an egg. I’m not saying this to brag – it’s merely a fact. As an explanation, you must know that I grew up with eggs and chickens (still not sure which came first), so I am at home with both creatures. I grew up gathering […]

Saying it with carrot cake

[T]here are those who hug and there are those who bake. I hate to divide us into all-or-nothing camps (this may be a Virgo tendency). I’m sure there are huggers and kissers out there who also express their affection through baking. But as a lady who grew up without all […]

Eating the Heart (out) of Ireland

Let me begin by saying that gooseberries – would you believe – are hard to come by. In my quest to find this rare fruit, I heard tell that fresh gooseberries are actually available in season in the Bay Area at the produce market called the Berkeley Bowl, but that […]