Tag: scones

Bread of the Month: Indulging in chocolate scones

[I] may be going against popular opinion by saying this but, chocolate does not go with everything. Some people could eat it anywhere, anytime, on anything. But as I recently strolled through a market and noticed a basket full of dried chocolate fettuccine, I realized, surprisingly, that chocolate in that […]

Winning a challenge to oneself

[I] don’t like competition, but like many other beings at times compromised by human nature, I often fall under the spell to compete and compare with others. It’s a losing battle, really. As a very wise friend once told me, comparing yourself to others is “dangerous.” No matter what, if […]

Bread of the Month: Savoring a fruitful scone

[M]ove over peanut butter and jelly. Apples and cheese go together almost as well, maybe even better. I’ve long revered this pairing, whether on a simple fruit and cheese board, or a melted wedge of golden cheddar atop warm apple pie. It just works…the cold, tart, crisp sweetness of the […]

Bread of the Month: Believing in biscuits

[B]irthday cake got this blog started; a scone gave it the name. But I believe making biscuits may have been the very foundation for why I began writing my food blog. Just a few years ago, in the wee hours of the morning when all was dark and quiet, I […]

Loving bacon, wrong or right

This is a love story of sorts. Like many women, I am drawn to an individual that is – according to many — no good for me, yet I cannot resist. Our encounters are illicit and all-too-infrequent, whether they take place in public places or the privacy of my home. […]